Story of A Donkey In the Lion's Skin

Once upon a time there lived a donkey. It was very lazy and always wanted to sleep. One day it was searching of food. He found a lion's skin. He put it on and looked at his reflection in the river." Wow! I look just like a lion! No one can say that it is me, I must take advantage of this" the donkey said to himself.

The donkey wore the skin and marched into the village. Seeing a lion in the village, the villagers got scared and started running here and there. The villagers have left their food and belongings out here in the open. The donkey ate as much as he wanted to grab his loot and went back into the jungle. For the next few days, he relaxed and enjoyed what he had brought from the village.

When his supply ran out wearing the lion skin he walked into the village once again. The villagers once again ran at the sight of the lion and donkey gathered his loot. This went on for many days. Every time he was successful, the donkey's confidence grew.

The villagers thought of doing something about the lion. And so, the villagers decided to follow the lion. The donkey went straight to the wheat fields talking his loot and started singing loudly. The villagers who were behind him recognized his braying. They were shocked to see a lion braying."

It was the donkey braying in lion's skin, let's teach him a lesson" they said. The villagers caught hold of the donkey and beat him mercilessly.

Moral Of the Story:  A fool may deceive by his dress and appearance,  but his words will soon show what he really is.

fox without tail story

fox without tail story
Once upon a time there was a fox lived in a jungle. One fine day it was search of food. It went to a nearby village. Villages dogs are running behind her and it run away from the village. But sometimes later it was caught in a trap. It was only after a tough struggle that she could get free. But, to her sorrow, her beautiful tail had been cut off and left in the trap.

How ugly I shall look!" said the fox. I think all of my friends and other foxes laugh at me?" Thinking hard, the fox hit upon a plan to save herself from being laughed at.

She called a meeting of his friends and said, "Brothers! have you ever wondered why after all, we carry these long tails?" Let us cut them off and be free from their nuisance."

But the other foxes had noticed her cut-off tail. They laughed aloud and replied, "You used to say that tails looked very fine when your own was all right. Now that you have lost yours, you want us to lose ours too."

Moral: Dirty tricks seldom work.

Fox and Crow Short Story with Moral

Once upon a time there was a crow lived in a jungle. One day the crow stole a piece of fried meat from the kitchen of a rich man’s house. He flew away and sat in a tree. A hungry fox was also sitting near the tree. He saw the crow with a big piece of meat in his beak. He could not just sit quite. He wanted to eat that piece himself. So he thought of a plan to cheat him.

The fox said “Good morning, dear Mr. Crow.” The crow did not answer. The fox said, “how do you do, my dear friend?” Still the crow did not greet him. He kept silent saying to him, “how can I speak. If I open my beak, the meat will fall down.”

The fox did not lose heart. He kept on urging him to speak. He said to the crow, “Hello my dear. Why don’t you answer me? Why don’t you sing a sweet song? You are among the top ten singers of the world, If not the best. Everyone is so keen to hear your melodious songs”. When the crow heard this, he forgot about the meat in his beak.

He started singing, “Caw, caw, caw.” the piece of meat fell down on the ground. The fox took it up and ate it. Then he said to the crow, “Thank you for this treat. I’ll come again someday to hear another song from you when you have another piece of meat”.

Moral: Beware of flattery.

The Cat and The Mouse

Once, a cat and a mouse were very good friends and happily lived together in the same house. As winter was approaching, they decided to stock some food items. So they went to the market and bought a big pot of cheese.
Fearing that other cats and mice might steal their cheese, they hid it behind the altar in the church.
The cat was very greedy. After a few days, he had a great yearning to taste the cheese. He went to the mouse and told him that he was invited to baptize his cousin’s child in the church. The mouse believed him and the cat set out for his first steal.
He ate a large chunk of the cheese and returned home happily. When the mouse asked him what the child was named the cat replied, “Top-off.” The mouse was surprised at the name.
After a few days the greedy cat wanted to have some cheese again and told the mouse that he had to baptize another child and rushed to the church. He finished half the cheese and told the mouse that this time the child was named “Half-gone.”
After a few days, the cat made the same excuse and went again and finished the remaining cheese. This time he told the mouse that the child was named “All-gone.” The mouse was puzzled by the cat’s behavior but did not say anything.
When winter came, the mouse went to the church to get the cheese but found that it had vanished. At last he understood the trick played by the greedy cat.

The Cow and the Tiger

Once there was a cow and her name was Baula. She had a beautiful small calf. Baula was used to go Jungle for grazing. She was returning to her shed in the evening. When she returned her calf used to drink milk. She loved her calf very much.
One day Baula has gone to forest for grazing. That day a tiger caught her on the way of the Jungle. The tiger want to kill the cow and eat. When the tiger was bought the killed the cow. The cow made a request. She told tiger that, “She got a calf at home and the calf is very hungry. If the tiger killed her right now the calf will die in hunger.” Therefore she requested the tiger to leave her for a while. So that she can give milk to her calf. The tiger listened the request of the cow and said, “It is impossible. Because if he will leave her, she will not comeback again”. Listening this cow said to the tiger, “I will come back after giving milk to my calf. The tiger listened the ardent request of Baula. He said you go but you have to return backvery soon.

The cow returned her shed immediately and she gives to milk to her calf. Then she started for the forest, saying her calf come back very soon. She reached thejungle and give a cry for the tiger. The tiger came and saw the cow. Thought the tiger was hungry he became surprised to see the cowback.
The tiger hasn’t seen such sincerity, morality and honesty from any animal. He became very pleased to see such kind of characters from other animals. 

He called the cow, she is overwhelmed by her honesty. He said I can’t eat you and I will protect you from other wild animals in the future. I want that the character you possessed should spread to other animals. By saying these, tiger went back to the forest. The cow also returned back to her calf before the sunrise.